My Reading Blog

Reading log #1
Date: 03/27/2013
Tittle:  “Rowing the Bus”

I read a story from the book “Ten Real Life stories” by Paul Logan. This story shows how we can turn our regrets into valuable lessons in living. When Logan was in Elementary School he was a victim of the bulling by others kids on the bus. After four years of insults, embarrassments and humiliations he finally could get over it and his mom moved and he started another school. In the new school, nobody could make fun of him because he didn’t have any reputation but he soon discovered that there was another kid who received the brunt of the insults. Logan became a friend of this kid but he always tried to avoid this kid for fear of being insulted again. Logan felt blame because he never could do anything to help this kid because he just decided to ignore this kid in fact of prevent to be bulling again.

Reading log #2
Date: 03/29/2013
tittle: “Do it Better”

I read a story from the book “Ten Real Life stories” by Ben Carson, MD, with Cecil Murphey. This story began when Carson was in fifth grade and everybody considered him the dumbest kid in the class. Her mom discovered his bad grades so she started to encourage her son and Carson began to believe in himself. As a result Carson’s grades were improved in every subject when he started to study hard and read a lot of books. In a year and a half his efforts to be successful was a real success. Carson got to be promoted to the top of the class.

Reading # 3
Date: 03/31/2013
Tittle: “The scholarship jacket”

I read a story from the book “Ten Real Life stories by Marta Salinas. The theme of this story is pretty common by those people who always want to buy everything with money instead to get it earned. Marta had the best grades in her school so she was supposed to get a scholarship jacket which represented her efforts. However, this jacket was bought for another kid father who had a higher social status than Marta’s father so it would benefit the school to present that kid with the jacket. Marta’s heart was broken when the principal of the school decided to give the jacket to who bought it. She knew that she earned her jacket and hadn’t purchased it.

Reading log #4
Date: 04/01/2013
Tittle: “The Professor is a Dropout”

“The Professor is a Dropout” by Beth Johnson is about a woman who was told she was retarded and her journey of becoming Dr. Lupe Quintanilla.   Lupe, a Mexican native came to America young where in school she would be considered as un-learnable (retarded), she dropped out of school in the first grade.   Lupe continued her life, marrying and eventually started a family.   When her children were deemed un-learnable as well she quickly took action to ensure they didn’t endure a similar fate. A very persistent Lupe was able to enroll in college where she earned her doctoral degree.

Reading log #5
Date: 04/02/2013
Tittle: “Shame”
I read a story tittled "The Shame" by Dick Gregory. Gregory grew up in St. Louis Missouri with a poor family background and without a father figure to support him and his family. He was a young child when he fell in love with a beautiful girl named Helene Tucker. Gregory was ashamed of himself after everyone found out about the issue he had with his teacher about the money for the relief people and about Gregory not having a father. 

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